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Youth Recycling Initiative EYR

This summer a group of teens in Easton, Maryland, have partnered with ARK Farms to start their own youth intitiative - Each Youth Recycles (EYR). They have been collecting recycled materials from the community to create recycling bins for use in the community. The team has been working on a collaboration with the Parks and Recreation Department to allow their recycling bins to be placed in the city’s parks, and that is just the beginning. They have been reaching out to local restaurants and businesses to allow recycling bins to be placed in prominent places throughout the downtown area. Not only are they helping to increase recycling and conservation to help improve the environment, but the bins are also being covered in art created by local youth. It is such an exciting and inspiring project. We are so proud of these teens and encourage our ARK Farms partners in their own communities to consider creating similar programs. If you would like help in starting a program like EYR, let us know and we will be happy to help you get it going!

Watch this space for more details!